10 Cool Things You Never Knew About Pulp Fiction

Photo credit: Miramax

Photo credit: Miramax

7. Pulped Fiction

The movie’s title is a direct reference to the type of story it was trying to emulate-that is, the pulp novels of the late 50s. These novels were generally viewed as trash for the masses, often involving violence, sex and alcohol. John Travolta’s character can be seen reading on such book when he’s on the toilet in a couple of separate scenes-just in case you didn’t get the message.

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  • Cassandra Powers

    how about the fact that john travolta’s charactor shares the same name as micheal madson’s charactor from reservoir dogs….vince vega/vincent vega. in reservoir dogs its said only once in the scene were mr. blonde goes to joe cabot’s office to discuss the heist…… i can’t even recount how many times i have had to play that scene just to prove it to people, who are diehard fans of both movies and never put it together

    • Howard Sternn

      Madsen’s character was Vic and Vincent was his brother. Tarantino wanted a movie called ” The Vega Brothers”

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    • Melting Granite

      All those times you replayed the scene to ‘prove’ that ‘Vince Vega’ was in Reservoir Dogs, and you never noticed his name is actually ‘Vic Vega’????

    • Christie8992
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  • Bryan

    John Travolta’s and Michael Madsen’s characters were actually brothers. Madsen’s character was Vic Vega…John Travolta was Vincent Vega. Tarantino had actually started penning a script called ‘The Vega Brothers’ that was to be a prequel to ‘Reservoir Dogs’ and ‘Pulp Fiction’, but scrapped it when he realized the actors had gotten too old to pull it off believably

  • billrowland

    Who at the time when this movie was released would have thought that Travolta was a wacko that molested random male masseuses.

    • Mary Riewer

      Just about everybody…..

  • Russell Curtis

    How cool is telling the future? Uma plays a character who played in a pilot a person ‘the best with an edged weapon’. Like she would in Kill Bill. And as almost mentioned Samuel’s wallet foretelling a future role.

  • Ted Oliveira

    The book Travolta carried throughout the movie wasn’t a pulp novel it was a hard cover book on French art

    • ezon

      I remember that the book John Travolta was reading when he was killed in the movie was “Modesty Blaise”.

    • honesttoGod

      It was a hardcover edition of _Modesty Blaise_ as ezon has noted. The character wasn’t really pulp (and pulp is the antithesis of prestige printing, in say, hardback format). The character is a reversal and spoof on the hyper-sexualized James Bond type, created first as a comic strip, and then moved into novel format, and adapted into several films. She worked with a guy Friday she was always having to get out of trouble.

  • deckbose

    The actor you call “Paul Alderon” is actually Paul Calderon, who appears in the film anyway, as the bartender in the scene when Vincent and Jules appear at Marcellus’s club in tacky t-shirts. After sneering at Vincent regarding his upcoming date with Mia, Calderon says, “Hey, I’m Paul, and this is between y’all.”

  • Carmine Fazzari

    Danny DeVito was a producer for Pulp Fiction as well as the Co-Star in Twins. I doubt it’s a coincidence that the main characters in “Twins” – Julian (“Jules”) Benedict (Arnold Schwarzenneger) and Vincent Benedict (Danny Devito) share their first names with the main characters in “Pulp Fiction” – Jules WInnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta).

  • Erika Whitmore

    I had heard that the Band-Aid on Marsellus’ neck was actually one the actor Ving Rhames was wearing from cutting himself somehow (probably shaving his head), and Tarantino liked the ‘ominous’ mystery of it so he opted to have him leave it on and focused in on it to purposely to create a buzz. It wasn’t intentional nor written into the ascript originally.
    Also, this isn’t a secret or inside secret but more of a mistake. The bullet holes in the wall are there BEFORE the kid even shoots at Vincent and Samuel Jackson’s character and misses every single shot. If you look behind them in the scene you will notice what I mean. ;-)

    I also agree that of all the directors that do “that annoying cameo thing” Tarantino is definitely one that needs to stay BEHIND the camera more than others. I just wish some studio head would let him know his talents lie in writing and directing and not acting…definitely not acting.


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  • Former USN

    After Jules and Vincent shoot Brett multiple times, Jules’ pistol is clearly seen with its slide all the way back. With a semi-automatic handgun, this means it is empty. Yet a second or so later they blow away the idiot with the revolver who charges out of the bathroom.

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