10 Stupid Mistakes You’ve Never Spotted


Making a movie is difficult. That goes without saying, right? And what’s a little slip once in a while- a little lapse of judgement, or lack of set dressing, or anachronistic costume, between friends? Well, movie mistakes are big business (it’s one of the reasons a continuity director is kept to hang around film sets and make sure everything looks consistent from one shot to the next), and many hard-core fans spend a lot of time picking up their favourite gaffs by their favourite filmmakers. Never spotted one before? Our Beginners Guide to Movie Mistakes will turn you into a pro in no time. You won’t believe you missed number three!

1. Star Wars: A New Hope

Now, the Star Wars films (whatever you make of the prequel trilogy) are movies that have been scrutinized time and time again by hundreds of dedicated fans the world over. So, as you can imagine, they were unlikely to miss the clumsy Stormtrooper who walks straight into a door. In a New Hope, the scene in which Han and Luke go to steal the Strormtroopers outfits to hide in the Death Star, you can clearly see a Stormtrooper bashing his head on a not-quite-opened sliding door. Due to constraints in budget, the Strormtrooper outfits were extremely badly made, offering next to no vision once the helmet was put on-in another, off-screen instance, two Stormtroopers in costume ran into each other and were knocked unconscious. The head-bash scene became so well-known that the DVD came with an added “thump” sound effect to go along with the head-clunk.

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  • Chaplain1

    Who Cares?

    • Al Scarbrough

      You cared enough to read the article and post a comment. What a waste of space.

  • Amy Quance

    mistakes of *its own …

  • Gary

    Robin Hood prince of thieves. The Sheriff hires Thugs. Thugs were not known about until England seized India, some several of hundreds of years later. The Term Thugs comes from the Name of an Indian Religion who robbed and killed travelers.

    • Adam

      ^That’s an anachronism; not a set or prop error.

  • Wubbies

    James Bond – Diamonds are Forever: Car on two wheels going between two buildings. The car goes up on two wheels drivers side door down and comes out the other side drivers side door up.

  • amorelle

    In Pretty Woman when Julia picks up a croissant but is shown eating a pancake.

  • Ray Frigerio

    the still is from “Glory” yet the article is on Ben Hur?

  • Grumpa

    My favorite was the dust trail of the car driving uphill behind Gandolf and Bilbo riding into town, in the premiere of “The Hobbit” as seen in Bangkok. I understand the dust was translated into smoke from a chimney in later copies.

  • Gib

    Worst movie mistake of all time? Hope Floats. The whole thing.

  • Al Scarbrough

    In the 1974 movie “Duel” starring Dennis Weaver, the scene where Weaver’ character is in the phone booth talking to the police, you can see Steven Spielberg’s reflection in the glass of the phone booth during close-up shots of Weaver. Spielberg’s beard and huge 70′s glasses are in plain sight in the reflection. You even see him give Weaver a couple of timing cues. Classic blooper that I have never seen anyone talk about. The only reason I know about it is that I recently bought a DVD of “Duel” and happened to spot the blooper.

    • jim marcum

      i like that movie and have watched it a few times even on youtube. I never noticed it. now I will watch it again to see this, thanks you are observant.

      • Al Scarbrough

        Thanks. I have always had people tell me that I am observant of the most minuscule details, so seeing different flubs in movies is something that I have always been able to do and enjoy it immensely. Nothing quite like finding that seam in multi-million-dollar productions. LOL

    • Katherine Zimmermann

      Duel is from 1971 not 74

  • Brent Burk

    Another Jurassic Park Blunder, watch when the T-Rex breaks out. The door from the kids car is open then closed, then they go back to the kids car and show them close it!!

  • Riley Simmons

    Passenger 57: As they drop hostages from the plane, the hostages’ fall onto a blue air cushion is visible in the plane’s reflective hull.

  • Kelphus

    In “Commando” with Arnold Schwarzeneggar, he is driving a red car which gets wrecked while he is driving it with Rae Dawn Chong as passenger. In next shot, car is still driving fast, all the dents are miraculously gone.

  • Lauren Lough

    You left out “The Night of the Lepus”. It’s chock full of mistakes! But, that’s what makes it great! It’s hysterical!

  • TMW

    There are a few in A League of Their Own, including Rosie O tripping over a production cable..

  • Mona O’Donnell Salmen

    Transformers-first movie…. When Shia was chased by the police car under the overpass ….. Right before the police car changes…. A very visible person is seen in its drivers seat!!!!! Blooper!!!!

    • bobby jackson

      its spose to be there… its a hologram for the bot to not raise alarm and blow its cover with a self driving car

  • Cast Off

    Nemo is fine, that could easily be the same bag.

  • edinvestor1

    The JURASSIC weather is not a good example. The shots in question were 180 degrees from each other and therefore the weather could look different, especially on a mountainous island.

    • Duke Sweden

      The one thing that always bugged me about Jurassic Park was the fact that both Timmy and his sister could easily have slid through the huge holes in the fence. They didn’t need to climb over it. Also I’d have bee-yotch slapped Dr. Grant after he pretended to be electrocuted. Didn’t the kids suffer enough trauma up to that point?!?

      • Jamie Longan

        You know what bugs me about Jurassic park is that DNA only has a half life of 520 years which means after 1040 years there is no usable data to even clone the dino.

        • Duke Sweden

          Even when sealed in amber, nature’s Saran Wrap!?!

  • Rebekah Lindsay Lunemann

    My personal favorite is Aquamarine, when Roy dives in to save Hailey from drowning – in a 3 foot pool X’D Lol

  • BejeweledOne

    In the nemo one that isn’t a ziploc bag. The plastic tracks are missing. They are so obvious it would be hard not to see them if they were there.. It’s just the edge of a regular bag. Sorry guys, you messed this one up.

    • way2kay

      I was saying the exact same thing when I read that…it doesn’t look anything like a zipper bag…

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    • Jamie Longan

      They messed up a lot of them.


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  • Bay

    One the jerassic Park comment, obviously you have neve been to nevada. I have multiple pictures where one part of the sky is COMPLETELY clear and the other has clouds just like this. So I beleive this is still completely realistic. Since one shot if the sky infront of him and the other is behind. So this mistake is a reach in my eyes.

    • rebeccadrellermayo

      As “reaching” as your hate for spell check?

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  • Alan Franzman

    For #10 in the article, the added sound effect was not just a “thump”, but also included a squeal of feedback, as if hitting his head had briefly activated the armor’s built-in two-way radio.

  • JAF

    and then there is the Princess phone on the wall of Mrs. Ryan’s kitchen when she walks toward the door in ‘Saving Private Ryan’… another Spielberg goof.

  • Devin Hanna

    In Need for Speed, in one shot, one of the door mirrors is visible where the thin camera is supposed to be.

  • rebeccadrellermayo

    Does it count if whomever did the write up for Jurassic Park, spelled ‘Dinosaurs’ incorrectly? Dumbass spelled it, d-I-n-a-s-o-u-r-s. Whaa? Spellcheck people, use it.

  • Ed Rogers

    How about the lousy grammar and punctuation by the fool who’s writing this and the 10 Shows that should have run forever? Is he/she texting this stuff on a phone, or what?

  • Swampfox

    I always like the westerns when the spurs are on the wrong feet.

  • Doc

    Dinosours? Is that some kind of candy? Frankly, it was dinosaurs that I enjoyed in #4 on your list.

  • Arctic Howler

    >.> where’s #1?

  • Mike McGregor

    the hole chariot fail is a bigger fail then you realize, the video shot is from the movie glory not from ben hur

  • ae13

    1941 is a f;in awesome film. Totally underrated.

    • Walt99

      foot trigger!…..

  • me

    has anyone noticed the mistake with this post. it says 10 stupid mistakes you’ll never spot but starts with #11. oops

  • decrepitoldperson

    Rebeccadrellermay: Sorry to point this out, but in your dressing down of dumbass, you used “whomever” incorrectly. “Whoever” should be used as the subject of the verb “did”. You have a complex sentence; it needs 2 subjects. “It” is one, and “whoever” is the other. And dumbass missed class in 4th grade the day the teacher explained that we don’t use apostrophes to make pronouns possessive. “It’s” has one meaning only, and that is, “it is”. The word “it’s” NEVER means “belonging to it”. Thank you. I shall now crawl back into my cave in order to avoid the avalanche of rocks that shall be thrown in my direction.

  • Fred Flint

    in real action people bump heads, trip and fall, etc. dont see storm trooper bumping his head as a blooper

  • MamaSchulze

    This is a cartoon but still, in Magic School Bus where they go inside Arnold there are a few shots of him inside the bus. My daughter wen’t nuts over that.

  • Kenneth Busler

    Why do I keep clicking on the “shocking” “things I haven’t seen yet” or ” things you didn’t know about…” links?!?!?!?!
    I am never shocked, I have seen them, and did know about all this.

  • Kate Vazquez

    Does anyone care?

  • Jamie Longan

    Those “gas lamps” in gone with the wind are not gas lamps. You can clearly tell they are light bulb lamps and yes they have been around since before the movie was made. Not to mention gas lamps are actually called “paraffin lamps” or “paraffin oil lamp” and also a “kerosene oil lamp.”

  • Jamie Longan

    The jurassic park one is wrong, the camera man could not have gotten over the fence and filmed the guy from the other side without capturing the children behind him! It’s obviously a different angle!

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  • P30

    On the Jurassic Park scene, just because the sky in one direction is clear. That does not mean the entire sky, within the characters view would be clear. Have they ever heard of the weather term, scattered clouds?

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